Competitive Programming

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helpline: +91 80172 02996 / +91 7595876508

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  • Each and every live classes will be recorded and and you will get it under 24 hrs for your future need.
  • We will create a whatsapp group for each and every training courses for your 24*7 doubt Clearance

Course Duration: 1.5 month

  • Suitable For: class 11 and 12 /1st Yr to 4th Yr B.Tech. / Diploma / MCA / BCA students

  • Course Objective: The main objective is to understand how to write programmes using C programming language, starting from scratch.

  • Prerequisite: No experience is required.

  • Course Fee: Rs. 1,999/- (including Taxes)

Course Content:

  • Competitive Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Merge Sort, QuickSort, Count Sort, Bucket Sort
  • Stacks, Queues, Hash Tables, Hash Sets, Heap-Based Structures, Binary Search Tree-Based Data Structures, Coordinate Compression, Custom Comparators
  • Greedy Algorithms, Divide and Conquer, Binary Search the Answer, the Bisection Method
  • Algorithms
  • Programming
  • Linear Search, Binary Search, QuickSelect, Two Pointer Technique
  • Iterative Complete Search, Backtracking, Permutations, Subsets, Pruning
  • Dynamic Programming: Competitive Approach, Top-Down and Bottom-Up DP, Space Optimisation, Prefix Sums, Backtracking to Find Solutions
  • Graph Exploration: Breadth-First Search (BFS), Depth-First Search (DFS), Connected Components, Multi-Source BFS
  • Union-Find Disjoint Sets: Optimised Implementation, Kruskal's Algorithm, Minimum Spanning Tree Variants
  • Game Theory: States and Transitions, Minimax for Optimal Game Playing, Dynamic Programming To Recover Optimal Strategies
  • Approaching Interactive Problems

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